Friday, November 27, 2009

SimpleXML does not parse text inside CDATA tags in an XML.

SimpleXML does not parse text inside CDATA tags in an XML.

Consider the XML below:

$str = '';
$str.='some text goes here';

To parse it we use following syntax:

$xml = simplexml_load_string($str);

On printing it outputs:

SimpleXMLElement Object
[childNode] => some text goes here

Thats OK. Now the same xml but this time the text is enclosed in CDATA tags.

$str = '';

On printing this gives following output:

SimpleXMLElement Object
[childNode] => SimpleXMLElement Object


Yes its empty. This is because SimpleXML does not parse CDATA tags. All data enclosed within CDATA is ignored by SimpleXML parser.
Solution: Set the 3rd parameter to LIBXML_NOCDATA while parsing.

simplexml_load_string(simplexml_load_file too) actually takes 3 parameters.

* The string to parse
* Optional parameter – to return an object of class specified in this parameter. (By default it returns a SimpleXMLElement Object)
* Also optional – libxml parameters can be specified as options. This option provides the solution to our CDATA problem

Provide the 3rd parameter LIBXML_NOCDATA and SimpleXML will consider CDATA nodes as text nodes and will parse them.

$xml = simplexml_load_string($str,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);

This will output as desired:

SimpleXMLElement Object
[childNode] => some text goes here

Please note that using the third parameter requires PHP >=5.1 compiled with libxml.

in reference to: Google Sidewiki (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Find how many number of result of your site on google

/* return result number */
function get_google_results($domain = '')
// get the result content
$content = file_get_contents(''.$domain);

// parse to get results
$result = get_match('/Results <b>(.*)from/isU',$content);

// echo $result;

// split the results
$split1 = explode('of about',$result);

// return result
return $split1[1] ? strip_tags($split1[1]) : 0;

/* helper: does the regex */
function get_match($regex,$content)
return $matches[1];

/* do it! */
echo ' '.get_google_results(''); // 164
//echo ' '.get_google_results(''); // 164

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How to upload file with FTP in PHP


prepare a form similiar to this and have it call the below file
echo '<form action="image_upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
echo 'Click the Browse button to find the file you wish to upload';
echo '<input type="file" name="imagefile">';
echo '<INPUT TYPE="submit" name="upload" value="upload">';
echo '</form>';
*** <input type="file" name="imagefile"> ***
*** with the above tag declared in the calling form ***
*** the variable name is $imagefile and the available properties are ***
*** $imagefile :name of the file as stored on the temporary server directory ***
*** $imagefile_name :filename.extension of the file as on the users machine ***
*** $imagefile_size :size in bytes of the file ***
*** $imagefile_type :the type of file image/gif image/jpg text/html etc.... ***
*** ***
//change these values to suit your site
//$web_location is needed for the file_exists function, the directories used by FTP
//are not visible to it will will always return not found.

//build a fully qualified (FTP) path name where the file will reside

// connect, login, and transfer the file
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);
$upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $destination_file, $imagefile, FTP_BINARY);

//use ftp_site to change mode of the file
//this will allow it be visible by the world,
$ch=ftp_site($conn_id,"chmod 777 ".$destination_file);
// close the FTP stream

//verify file was written
if (file_exists($web_location))
echo "file was uploaded as $web_location";
echo "Could not create $web_location";
//end if


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