Sunday, February 19, 2023

DevOps journey

Anyone who have learn Linux do following task for practice which I did in my DevOps journey.
1) setup NFS server and client on other machine
2) setup dns server
3) setup dhcp server
4) install and configure load balancer (nginx or haproxy)
5) install teleport (PAM tool)
6) install databases( mariadb, postgres and mongodb) and access from other machine with database client (cli or gui)
7) install WordPress app and add certificates https (self-signed or letsencrypt)
8) install minio storage (s3 compatible) and configure aws cli to use it
9) do ssh tunnel for exposing application securely
10) create a bash script which will do your one of complete task from previous tasks mentioned
You can use Ubuntu/centos or any os
These tasks can make you confident for new tasks

How to solve mysql ERROR 1118 (42000) Row size too large

  I had this issue with MYSQL 5.7 . The following worked althoug...