Thursday, May 18, 2017

Manual extraction/installation of .ipk packages on OpenWrt

Occasionally it may be necessary to install a package manually on OpenWrt firmwares due to bugs or incompatibilities preventing automatic installation. Here’s how to do it.
An .ipk file is just a regular tar/gz archive so we can extract the contents with tar. In this case I’m installing the Network UPS package on Gargoyle:
cd /tmp
tar zxpvf nut_2.6.5-2_ar71xx.ipk
This extracts three files:

data.tar.gz is the file we want. To install to the router simply extract the files to root:
cd /
tar zxpvf /tmp/data.tar.gz
And you’re done. Keep in mind that many packages will have dependencies and you’ll have to install those yourself (manually or through opkg) if you want the software to work.

How to solve mysql ERROR 1118 (42000) Row size too large

  I had this issue with MYSQL 5.7 . The following worked althoug...