Building Docker Images with Dockerfiles
What is a Dockerfile?
- A Dockerfile is a text configuration file written using a special syntax
- It describes step-by-step instructions of all the commands you need to run to assemble a Docker Image.
- The
docker build
command processes this file generating a Docker Image in your Local Image Cache, which you can then start-up using thedocker run
command, or push to a permanent Image Repository.
Create a Dockerfile
Creating a Dockerfile is as easy as creating a new file named
“Dockerfile” with your text editor of choice and defining some
instructions. The name of the file
does not really matter. Dockerfile is the default name but you can use
any filename that you want (and even have multiple dockerfiles in the
same folder)
Simple Dockerfile for NGINX
Dockerfile Commands
- ADD – Defines files to copy from the Host file system onto the Container
- ADD ./local/config.file /etc/service/config.file
- CMD – This is the command that will run when the Container starts
- CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
- ENTRYPOINT – Sets the default application used
every time a Container is created from the Image. If used in conjunction
with CMD, you can remove the application and just define the arguments
- CMD Hello World!
- ENV – Set/modify the environment variables within Containers created from the Image.
- EXPOSE – Define which Container ports to expose
- FROM – Select the base image to build the new image on top of
- FROM ubuntu:latest
- LABEL maintainer – Optional field to let you
identify yourself as the maintainer of this image. This is just a label
(it used to be a dedicated Docker directive).
- RUN – Specify commands to make changes to your
Image and subsequently the Containers started from this Image. This
includes updating packages, installing software, adding users, creating
an initial database, setting up certificates, etc. These are the
commands you would run at the command line to install and configure your
application. This is one of the most important dockerfile directives.
- RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y nginx && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
- USER – Define the default User all commands will be
run as within any Container created from your Image. It can be either a
UID or username
- USER docker
- VOLUME – Creates a mount point within the Container
linking it back to file systems accessible by the Docker Host. New
Volumes get populated with the pre-existing contents of the specified
location in the image. It is specially relevant to mention is that
defining Volumes in a Dockerfile can lead to issues. Volumes should be
managed with docker-compose or “docker run” commands. Volumes are
optional. If your application does not have any state (and most web
applications work like this) then you don’t need to use volumes.
- VOLUME /var/log
- WORKDIR – Define the default working directory for the command defined in the “ENTRYPOINT” or “CMD” instructions
- WORKDIR /home
Building and Testing Dockerfiles
There’s a free service that lets you quickly spin up Docker instances through a web interface called: “Play With Docker”
- First of all, head over to and start a new session. You need to create an account first.
- Once your session is active click on “Add New Instance”:
3. A new instance will start with a Docker Engine ready to accept commands
Next create/edit the Dockerfile. Run “vi Dockerfile”, press “i” to
switch to “Insert Mode”, copy/paste the contents of our Dockerfile,
press “Esc” to exit “Insert Mode”, and save+exit by typing “:x”
5. Build the new image using the command
docker build <path>
. Path refers to the directory containing the Dockerfile.
6. At the end of the process you should see the message “Successfully built <image ID>”
7. Start the new image and test connectivity to NGINX. Run the command
docker run -p 80:80 <image ID>
. The option -p 80:80
exposes the Container port 80 as the Host port 80 to the world
8. As a result a port 80 link should have become active next to the IP. Click on it to access your NGINX service
Building Docker images for your own applications
In the previous section we have seen an example Docker image for nginx. But what if you want to package your own application in a Docker image?
In this case you can create a Dockerfile in the same folder as your source code. Then put instructions in the dockerfile that mirror what you do locally on your workstation to compile/package the code.
The first step should be to find a public docker images that uses your programming language. Some examples are:
Once you find a proper base image you can use it to package your own application. Here is an example for Python
Here is another example for Node.js
How to create an optimized Docker image from your dockerfile
Once you become familiar with building docker images you also need to pay attention to two more topics
- Creating docker images with the smallest file size possible
- Using multi-stage builds in order to package only what is actually needed
For the first subject be sure to check out our Docker layer tutorial. For multi-stage builds see also our dedicated tutorial.
If you want to know all the best practices about creating and using dockerfiles in you team see our in-depth docker best practices guide.
Here is an example with a Node application that is using multi-stage builds:
Go have fun building your own Images!
For more examples of Dockerfile templates, login to Codefresh (it’s free), click add Repository and checkout the many templates and examples.
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